5. Sasquatch – Self-Titled

I have no idea what their deal is but, I’m willing to find out. By the looks of it, they’re into big, hairy men so I think I have a shot!
4. Clutch – The Elephant Riders

Ahhh, this brings me back to my college days. “The elephant rider” was basically my nickname.
3. Nebula – Holy Shit

Tell me this is not EXACTLY what you see every time you’re leaving the bar. No? Just me? Ok… This looks like every woman I try to hit on at last call, so I guess that’s why I find her so attractive. Then in the morning I say to myself, “Holy Shit”. So you nailed it Nebula.
2. Corrosion of Conformity – Deliverance

Not too many bands can get away with nudity on the cover. But nothing beats a good nipple… and this my friends, is a good nip…. wait…. is that a speaker!? Oh man, all these years of looking at that cover inappropriately. I’m horrified. My apologies.
1. Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol – Burger Babes… From Outer Space!

Will they murder you? Probably… but they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and boobs help too!
I’m sure I’ve missed some amazing Stoner Metal album covers, so let us know in the comments so I can add them to my spank bank… err, I mean, my playlist.