Matt Pike Shirt

Matt Pike’s Shirt Worn on Stage Goes for Thousands at Auction

This satire article is a collaboration between Slightly Fuzzed and Monster Riff. Welcome to Slightly Riffed: The Fakest News In Stoner Rock!

Matt Pike and Jeff Matz have been busy auctioning off bits of their collective rock history to benefit earthquake relief efforts in Turkey and Syria (that part’s actually true). Items ranging from High on Fire test pressings to concert postersfuzz pedals, and signed memorabilia have gone for hundreds and hundreds of dollars.

One item has captured the attention of fans more than any other. Of course, we are talking about the infamous shirt that Matt Pike has worn on stage countless times for decades. Hundreds of Sleep and High on Fire fanatics joined the auction bidding frenzy to get their hands on a piece of Stoner Metal history. The bidding started at $200 and quickly increased into the thousands within just a few hours.

The success of this particular auction has sparked several other almost well-known musicians to try and offer some interesting items to benefit a worthy cause. Red Fang bass player, Aaron Beam, has put up a pair of his thick-ass glasses. Buzz Osborne, founder of legendary Melvins, has offered up one, long, curly white hair… we’re assuming (and hoping) it’s from his head. And long-time Matt Pike friend and collaborator (and Mastodon guitarist/vocalist), Brent Hinds, has offered to come to your house and kick you in the nuts. Opening bid is reported to begin at $500.

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