This satire article is a collaboration between Slightly Fuzzed and Monster Riff. Welcome to Slightly Riffed: The Fakest News In Stoner Rock!
With Doom Metal, both the music and the lyrics are often intended to evoke a sense of despair, dread, and impending doom. But Gen Z has a whole new set of issues to worry about. Gone are the days where a band just writes about some fictitious world full of evil and death. Gen Z cares about current issues, gender, workplace equality… and climate change.
Arguably, no one cares about climate change more than 20-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg. One Doom Metal band decided to save themselves the work of writing doom-filled lyrics and just decided to use her quotes instead.
The band, Net Zero, has already released their first album, appropriately titled Tipping Point.
To see what Net Zero has been able to do with Thunberg quotes, let’s look at their first single, “This Is All Wrong.”
This is all wrong
How dare you!?
You have stolen my dreams
My childhood with your empty words.
People are suffering.
People are dying.
Entire ecosystems are collapsing.
The beginning of a mass extinction
All you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.
How dare you!