AI Stoner Metal

We Asked A.I. to Create the Ultimate Stoner Metal Album, The Results May Surprise You

This satire article is a collaboration between Slightly Fuzzed and Monster Riff. Welcome to Slightly Riffed: The Fakest News In Stoner Rock!

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is starting to make its presence known just about everywhere these days. Kids are using it to write papers for school, publications are using it to write articles, and we see more and more A.I. generated art popping up online—even A.I.-generated music is now starting to rear its head. Slightly Riffed decided to see just how effective this artificial intelligence could be at creating the “ultimate Stoner Metal album.”

I knew this would be no easy task. A.I. has proven itself to be effective at many, many things, but could it create the ultimate Stoner Metal album? As we got started, I knew I was asking a lot of the A.I. In fact, my computer started smoking… No, not like on fire—it literally started smoking… weed… My computer was, in fact, stoned. This would be alarming given any other circumstances, but we are talking about Stoner Metal. Maybe the A.I. was really off to a good start.

Twenty minutes had gone by since we had submitted the prompt when we heard the doorbell. Turns out, my recently stoned computer had also ordered from GrubHub. Taco Bell.

Finally, we had started to see some results. The band name is Cosmic Buffalo Acid Goat. It’s a little on the nose, but who has time for subtlety in Stoner Metal? It covers all the bases.

Continue reading on Monster Riff…

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